Service Times
Sunday Worship Service – 9:00am
Sunday School – 10:30am
Mission Statement
The purpose of this church shall be to worship God, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the sacraments; to realize Christian fellowship and unity within this church and the Church Universal; to render loving service toward humankind; and to strive for righteousness, justice and peace.
Hoyleton Children’s Home: Cater Prom
Kinder Cottage Thanksgiving Baskets, Christmas and monthly financial support
Jersey County Food Pantry – Quarters for Heifers
R.O.C.K. (Reaching Out to Christ’s Kids) First Tuesday night of each month 6:30 to 9:00 pm : Family Life Center is open for the area youth. We feed them, play games, and have time of music and 30 minutes sanctuary time
Vacation Bible School: Serving an average of 50
Summer Camp: Four days and nights at Camp Potowatamie for 5th grade thru High School. All meals, sleeping cabin and crafts included for a very modest fee.
We believe that Christ calls us to be His hands, feet, and heart in the world. We gather in prayer before making decisions, asking that God reveal His will and plan to us and then work very hard to provide the funds and energy to carry this out.
Upcoming Events
March 2nd –
Quarters for Heifers
March 5th –
Ash Wednesday 6:00pm
Soup & Salad at 5:00pm
March 9th –
Spring Forward
March 16th –
Council & CEB Meetings
Communion Sunday & Bowling Party at noon
Food Pantry
March 17th –
Saint Patrick’s Day
March 20th –